
    Damage to stored wheat and effect on ambient CO2 volume fraction by Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens)

    • 摘要: 探讨害虫感染对储粮环境中CO2体积分数的影响以及检测储粮环境中CO2体积分数对监测害虫发生的虫情和粮情具有重要意义。研究了30℃下水分含量12%的小麦感染0、5、10、30头/kg锈赤扁谷盗Cryptolestes ferrugineus(Stephens)成虫后,在60 d内环境中CO2体积分数变化以及其对粮食破碎粒率、千粒重和容重的影响。感染初期的20 d内,锈赤扁谷盗0、5、10和30头/kg的小麦环境中CO2体积分数平均日增加速率分别为0.012%、0.037%、0.038%和0.068%,相应虫口密度样品中CO2体积分数升至0.283%、0.780%、0.800%和1.407%。第21~35天时相应虫口密度环境中CO2体积分数平均日增长速率达0.013%、0.105%、0.163%和0.267%,第35天时CO2体积分数分别升高至0.473%、2.357%、3.240%和5.407%。36~60 d时相应密度下CO2体积分数平均日增长速率达0.021%、0.204%、0.219%和0.268%,60 d时CO2体积分数升至0.993%、7.447%、8.713%和12.107%。锈赤扁谷盗感染60 d后对小麦的破碎粒率增加影响具有显著性,对千粒重和容重变化影响不显著。储存小麦发生锈赤扁谷盗5头/kg以上的密度经过9 d可使环境中CO2体积分数显著升高,因此监测CO2体积分数变化可以在一定程度上反映锈赤扁谷盗发生的虫情和粮情。


      Abstract: Knowing the influences of insect infestation on CO2 volume fraction in grain storage environment and detecting the CO2 volume fraction for monitoring pest occurrence are of great significance to pest and grain situation. The changes in ambient CO2 volume fraction as well as its effects on kernel broken rate, thousand kernel weight and volume weight in 60 d were investigated after wheat samples with 12% moisture content were infested with four densities (0, 5, 10 and 30 adult/kg) of Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) adults at 30 ℃. In the initial 20 days of infection, the average increase rate per day (AIRPD) of CO2 volume fraction in wheat environment with 0, 5, 10 and 30 adult/kg of Cryptolestes ferrugineus were 0.012%, 0.037%, 0.038% and 0.068%, and corresponding CO2 volume fraction rose to 0.283%, 0.780%, 0.800% and 1.407%. During the 21th to the 35th day, the AIRPD of CO2 volume fraction in environment with corresponding insect densities were 0.013%, 0.105%, 0.163% and 0.267%, and the CO2 volume fraction rose to 0.473%, 2.357%, 3.240% and 5.407% in the 35th day. During the 36th to the 60th day, the AIRPD of CO2 volume fraction in environment with corresponding insect densities reached 0.021%, 0.204%, 0.219% and 0.268%, and the CO2 volume fraction rose to 0.993%, 7.447%, 8.713% and 12.107% in the 60th day. After infection for 60 days, the kernel broken rate increased significantly, but thousand kernel weight and volume weight had no significant changes. CO2 volume fraction increased significantly after 9-day infection with 5 adult/kg or higher densities of Cryptolestes ferrugineus. Therefore, CO2 volume fraction could reflect the occurrence of Cryptolestes ferrugineus to a certain extent, thereby realizing insect and grain monitoring.


