
    Influence of ceiling thermal insulation on the temperature of grain pile in large warehouse

    • 摘要: 高大平房仓静态储粮在整个储粮周期内占主要地位,环境温度变化对仓内粮堆温度影响较大,通过在仓内架设吊顶隔热材料使得粮堆在高温环境时处于适宜的存储温度。利用COMSOL软件模拟高大平房仓架设隔热材料前后一年内仓内粮堆温度变化发现:仓内粮堆温度随外界环境温度变化明显,并都表现出随季节变化的趋势,在秋冬季节变化时,在距粮仓壁面1~3 m处会形成高温聚集区;架设吊顶比不架设吊顶仓内粮堆整体平均温度平均下降2~3℃,仓内上层平均粮温平均下降3~4℃。模拟结果表明:采用隔热材料对仓房吊顶后,能有效降低仓内粮温。


      Abstract: Static storage of grain occupies the dominant position during the whole grain storage cycle in the warehouse. Changes in ambient temperature have significant influence on the temperature of grain pile in the warehouse. Ceiling thermal insulation materials installed in the warehouse help keeping grain pile at suitable storage temperature in high temperature environment. COMSOL software was applied to simulate the grain pile temperature variation within one year in a large warehouse with and without insulation materials. Results showed that the grain pile temperature in the warehouse changed significantly with ambient temperature and exhibited seasonal trends. When ambient temperature changed in autumn or winter, a high temperature zone was formed at about 1 meter to 3 meters away from the granary wall. The average temperature of the whole grain pile in the warehouse with ceiling dropped 2 ℃ to 3 ℃, and the average temperature of the upper grain pile dropped 3 ℃ to 4 ℃. Simulation results suggested that grain temperature could be effectively reduced by using thermal insulation ceiling material in the warehouse.


