
    Preparation of Pitaya juice herbal tea and analysis of antioxidant activity

    • 摘要: 为开发保健型火龙果汁凉茶饮料,利用中药促进乳酸菌发酵火龙果汁与仙草汁,使之兼具营养、益生、保健等复合功能,并探讨火龙果甜菜苷色素与总酚含量对DPPH等抗氧化指标的量效关系。通过单因素与正交试验确定混合乳酸菌发酵火龙果汁凉茶的最佳工艺,并测定其抗氧化功能各项指标。结果表明:糖添加量14%、中药浓缩液添加量3%、菌种添加量10%、柠檬汁添加量7%为最优组合,感官评分为93.5±1.1,其中中药浓缩液添加量对产品的感官品质影响最大,最佳糖酸比为2: 1、pH (4.2±0.2)有助于产品保存;最佳组合的试验组比各对照组具有显著较高的DPPH自由基清除能力(88.40%±1.80%)、还原力(0.86±0.05)、亚铁离子螯合作用(73.70%±2.30%)及亚油酸过氧化的抑制作用(54.50%±3.40%),并具有较高的总酚含量(29.6±0.5) mg/g;火龙果甜菜苷色素和总酚含量与DPPH等抗氧化指标具有正向的量效关系,且中药活性成分增强乳酸菌发酵的酶生化反应,可提高火龙果汁凉茶饮料的质量与抗氧化功能。


      Abstract: For novel development of Pitaya juice herbal tea (PJHT), Chinese herbal medicine(CHM) was used to promote the fermentation of Pitaya juice (PJ) in combination with Hsian-Tsao (HT) juice using lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The sensory evaluation index of product quality includes four aspects:tissue state, chewy taste, fermentation flavor, and appearance color. The experimental design to compare the functions of product included the experimental group (EX) with addition of LAB and CHM, the control group (CL) with LAB addition only, the control group (CK) with CHM addition only, and the blank group (BK) without addition of LAB and CHM. The antioxidant activities of PJHT were evaluated by using the antioxidant indexes including DPPH scavenging capacity, reducing power, ferrous ion chelation, and inhibition of linoleic acid peroxidation. The dose-effect relationships between betanin pigments/total phenolic content and antioxidant activity were also discussed. Through single and orthogonal tests, the optimal PJHT fermented by mixed LAB were determined and of which betanin pigments/total phenolic content were measured. The results of variance analysis and orthogonal test showed that the effect of each factor on sensory score of PJHT was as follows:the adding amount of CHM concentrated liquid had the greatest impact on the sensory quality of the product, followed by the adding amount of bacteria, and then the adding amount of sugar, and the adding amount of lime juice was the last. The results also showed that the optimal combination with 14% of sugar, 3% of CHM concentrated liquid, 10% of LAB inoculations and 7% of LM juice showed significantly higher DPPH radical scavenging capacity (88.40±1.80)%, reducing power (A700:0.86±0.05), ferrous ion chelation (73.70±2.30)% and linoleic acid peroxidation inhibition (54.50±3.40)% as compared with the controls, as well as significantly higher total phenolic content (29.6±0.5 mg/g). The strength of the antioxidant ability was in this order:test group of CHM and LAB addition (EX) > control group of LAB addition only (CL) > control group of CHM addition only (CK) > blank group of PJ (BK). There was a positive dose-effect relationship between betanin pigments/total phenolic content and DPPH antioxidant indexes. The active ingredients of CHM enhanced LAB fermentation, which can promote the quality and antioxidant function of PJHT beverage. Thus, it is proposed that PJHT has many nutritional functions and has the potential to be developed for health care.


