
    Preparation and structure characterization of low dextrose equivalent maltodextrin from waxy rice starch

    • 摘要: 以糯米淀粉为原料、葡萄糖当量(DE)和黏度为指标,采用耐高温α-淀粉酶制备低DE、高黏度的麦芽糊精(MD)。研究酶用量、酶解时间、温度、底物浓度对麦芽糊精DE和黏度的影响,采用正交试验确定低DE麦芽糊精制备最优工艺参数,并比较了最优工艺参数下制备的麦芽糊精与糯米粉、糯米淀粉以及不同DE麦芽糊精之间的结构和热力学特性。结果表明:以75 g糯米淀粉为原料,制备低DE、高黏度麦芽糊精的最佳工艺参数为酶用量50 μL、酶解时间7.5 min、底物浓度25%、温度95 ℃,在此条件下制备麦芽糊精的DE为1.6,黏度为104.96 mPa·s;热力学特性表明麦芽糊精均无明显的吸热峰;麦芽糊精失重率均低于糯米粉和糯米淀粉,热稳定性提高;在DE 1.6~3.9范围内,麦芽糊精的失重率随DE增加而降低;红外光谱显示麦芽糊精的IR1 047/1 022均高于糯米粉和糯米淀粉,表明短程有序结构含量增加;X-射线衍射图谱呈现弥散状,麦芽糊精为无定型结构。


      Abstract: In this study, maltodextrin(MD)was produced from waxy rice starch by enzymatic hydrolysis with thermostable α-amylase.The final viscosity and dextrose equivalent(DE)were chosen as response values to optimize the experimental conditions to prepare low DE maltodextrin.The effects of various factors, including reaction time, temperature, starch concentration, and enzyme dosage, on the final viscosity and DE were studied.Orthogonal test design was used to optimize experimental conditions of produced maltodextrin.The structure and properties of the maltodextrin were compared with those of waxy rice flour and waxy rice starch.The results showed that the optimal processing conditions to prepare low DE maltodextrin(75 g waxy rice starch as substrate)were as follows: reaction time of 7.5 min, reaction temperature of 95 ℃, the starch concentration of 25%, enzyme dosage of 50 μL.The DE of maltodextrin prepared under these conditions was 1.6 and the final viscosity of maltodextrin was up to 104.96 mPa·s.Compared with waxy rice flour and waxy rice starch, maltodextrin had no obvious endothermic peak.The weight loss rate of maltodextrin was lower than that of waxy rice flour and waxy rice starch, so its thermal stability was improved.The FT-IR spectra showed that the ratio of intensity at 1 047 cm-1 to that at 1 022 cm-1(IR1 047/1 022)of maltodextrin was higher than those of waxy rice flour and waxy rice starch, as well, the ratio decreased with the increase of DE.The crystallization peak disappeared and the spectrum appeared diffuse, showing an amorphous structure of maltodextrin.


