
    Optimization of the fiber drawing process of high-moisture textured vegetable protein and correlation analysis of their mechanical indexes

    • 摘要: 为了探索组织蛋白的品质评价方法与反映纤维强弱的力学指标,采用食品搅拌机对高水分组织化植物蛋白进行拆丝处理。首先借助单因素试验探究食品搅拌机的拆丝时间、刀具转速和刀刃宽度对高水分组织化植物蛋白纤维断裂强度的影响;在此基础上,利用响应面试验优化高水分组织化植物蛋白的拆丝工艺;使用优化后的拆丝工艺对不同淀粉含量的高水分组织化植物蛋白进行拆丝,测量其纤维断裂强度、拉伸特性、组织化度和质构特性等力学指标,并进行相关性分析。试验结果表明:当拆丝时间为240 s、刀具转速为10 500 r/min、刀刃宽度为30 mm(搓粉模头)时,拆丝效果最好,纤维最为纤细,此时纤维断裂强度为0.70 N,与预测值0.70 N一致;相关性分析表明纤维断裂强度与拉伸特性、组织化度和质构特性都呈极显著负相关。优化后的拆丝工艺具有普适性,且纤维断裂强度作为一种力学指标可以表示高水分组织化植物蛋白纤维的强弱。


      Abstract: To explore the quality evaluation methods for the high-moisture textured vegetable protein (HMTVP) and identify mechanical indicators reflecting fiber strength, in this study, food blender was employed to conduct fiber-distintegration processing on HMTVP. Firstly, single-factor experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of blender fiber-disintegration time, cutter speed, and width on the knife blade on the fiber breaking strength on HMTVP. On this basis, the response surface methodology (RSM) was utilized to optimize the fiber-disintegration process for HMTVP. According to the optimized process, fiber-disintegration was performed on HMTVP with different starch contents, and mechanical indicators such as fiber breaking strength, tensile properties, degree of texturization, and textural characteristics were measured and subjected to correlation analysis. The experimental results indicate that the optimal fiber-disintegration conditions are 240 s of disintegration time, a cutter speed of 10 500 r/min (9 speeds), a blade width of 30 mm (using a flour-kneading die). Under these conditions, the fiber-disintegration effect is best, producing the finest fibers, with a fiber breaking strength of 0.70 N, which aligns with the predicted value of 0.70 N. Meanwhile, the correlation analysis reveals a highly significant negative correlation between fiber breaking strength and tensile properties, degree of texturization, and textural characteristics. The optimized fiber-disintegration process demonstrates universal applicability, and the fiber breaking strength, as a mechanical indicator, can represent the strength of fibers in HMTVP.


