
    A simulation study on the evolution of temperature field for bulk paddy rice in building warehouses in the Southwestern China

    • 摘要: 为探究我国西南地区楼房仓稻谷温度场变化规律,以昆明市某散装稻谷楼房仓为例,利用COMSOL软件建立温度场模型并对比实仓测温电缆所测数据,验证数值模拟的可靠性,分析静态储藏1 a期间的稻谷温度变化规律。结果表明:我国西南地区楼房仓的粮堆温度在靠近仓壁周边1.5 m的范围内变化较为明显,在粮食呼吸作用下,粮堆内部温度变化幅度较小;粮堆内部温度与环境温度之间存在滞后效应,夏秋时节滞后时间约为21 d,春冬时节滞后时间约为15 d;春夏及夏秋交替季节,稻谷粮堆温度变化幅度较大;楼房仓内标准层与屋顶层粮温变化趋势相似,但由于屋顶层受到阳光直晒的原因相较于标准层粮堆温差较大。模拟结果与试验结果变化趋势一致,研究结果可为西南地区楼房仓的推广提供技术支持。


      Abstract: To investigate the temperature field variation patterns of rice stored in building warehouses in the Southwestern China, a case study was conducted on a bulk paddy rice building warehouse in Kunming. The COMSOL software was utilized to establish a temperature field model, and the data measured by temperature sensing cables in actual warehouse were compared to verify the reliability of numerical simulations. The temperature variation patterns of rice over a one-year static storage period were analyzed. The findings indicated that the temperature of the rice pile in building warehouses in the Southwestern China varied significantly within a 1.5 m range near the warehouse walls. Due to the respiration, the internal temperature variation within the rice pile was relatively small. There was a hysteresis effect between the internal temperature of the rice pile and the external environmental temperature, with a lag time of approximately 21 days during summer and autumn and about 15 days during spring and winter. During the transitions between spring and summer, as well as summer and autumn, the temperature variation of the rice pile fluctuated more significantly. The temperature trends of the rice piles on the standard floor and the top floor of the building warehouse were similar. However, due to direct sunlight exposure, the temperature difference between the top floor and standard floor was relatively large. The simulation results were consistent with the experimental results. The research methods and findings can provide technical support for the promotion of building warehouses in the Southwestern China.


