
    Optimization of variable-temperature drying process for high moisture wheat based on response surface methodology

    • 摘要: 为优化高水分小麦变温干燥工艺,减少小麦干燥能耗、时间,提高干后品质,考察了Ⅰ阶段温度(40~60 ℃)、水分转换点(15%~19%)和Ⅱ阶段温度(45~65 ℃)对高水分小麦干燥速率、干后品质(色差、硬度、沉降值、种子活力)及微观结构的影响。结果表明:高水分小麦最佳变温干燥工艺参数为Ⅰ阶段温度46 ℃、水分转换点16%、Ⅱ阶段温度56 ℃,在此条件下,高水分小麦的综合评分为0.826,可获得较好的干燥品质;响应面预测值与试验值之间的平均误差为1.67%。本研究可为高水分小麦变温干燥技术提供理论参考。


      Abstract: To optimize the variable-temperature drying process of high-moisture wheat, reduce energy consumption and drying time, and enhance the post-drying quality, the effects of stage Ⅰ temperature (40-60 ℃), moisture conversion point (15%-19%), and stage Ⅱ temperature (45-65 ℃) on the drying rate, post-drying quality (color difference, hardness, sedimentation value, and seed vigor), as well as microstructural changes of high-moisture wheat were investigated. The results showed that the optimal variable-temperature drying parameters for high-moisture wheat were a stage Ⅰ variable-temperature of 46 ℃, a moisture conversion point 16%, and a stage Ⅱ temperature of 56 ℃. Under these conditions, the high-moisture wheat achieved a comprehensive score of 0.826, indicating good drying quality. The average error between the experimental and predicted values from the response surface methodology was 1.67%. This study provides a theoretical reference for the variable-temperature drying technology of high-moisture wheat.


