
    Laboratory Population Life Table of Tribolium castaneum at Different Temperatures

    • 摘要: 研究了赤拟谷盗在自然变温(室温,作为对照)、25 ℃、30 ℃、35 ℃,相对湿度(75±5)%条件下的试验种群生命表。结果表明,在试验温度条件下,赤拟谷盗均能正常完成整个世代(从卵发育到成虫)发育过程,并且温度越高各个虫态的发育历期越短。在自然变温、25 ℃、30 ℃、35 ℃条件下,赤拟谷盗卵孵化率均较高;幼虫期一般蜕皮6~7次,死亡一般发生在低龄期;蛹均可正常羽化为成虫;完成一个世代的发育历期分别为30.7 d、38.5 d、31.7 d、25.0 d;种群趋势指数分别达到 54.9、37.6、38.1和 65.6,种群数量均较上代显著增加。


      Abstract: Laboratory population life table of Tribolium castaneum was investigated at ambient temperature (indoor temperature, as a control), 25, 30, and 35 ℃, and relative humidity (75±5)%. The results showed that T.castaneum could normally complete the whole generation (from egg to adult) development process at the tested temperature range, and the higher the temperature, the shorter the developmental duration of each insect state. At the ambient temperature, 25, 30, and 35 ℃, hatching rates of T.castaneum eggs were very high; the larvae usually molted 6~7 times, and death generally occurred at young larval stage; pupae could normally emerge into adults; the developmental duration of a complete generation was 30.7, 38.5, 31.7, and 25.0 d respectively, and the population trend indices reached 54.9, 37.6, 38.1, and 65.6, indicating a significantly increasing trend.


