Laboratory population life table of
Tribolium castaneum was investigated at ambient temperature (indoor temperature, as a control), 25, 30, and 35 ℃, and relative humidity (75±5)%. The results showed that
castaneum could normally complete the whole generation (from egg to adult) development process at the tested temperature range, and the higher the temperature, the shorter the developmental duration of each insect state. At the ambient temperature, 25, 30, and 35 ℃, hatching rates of
castaneum eggs were very high; the larvae usually molted 6~7 times, and death generally occurred at young larval stage; pupae could normally emerge into adults; the developmental duration of a complete generation was 30.7, 38.5, 31.7, and 25.0 d respectively, and the population trend indices reached 54.9, 37.6, 38.1, and 65.6, indicating a significantly increasing trend.