
    Research Progress on the Physiological Functions and Preparation Technology of Astaxanthin

    • 摘要: 虾青素具有抗氧化、增强免疫力、抗肿瘤、抗炎症以及光保护等生理功能,已引起科研人员的极大关注。然而,虾青素性质不稳定,在水中溶解性较差,生物利用率低,使得虾青素在应用中受到极大的限制,选择合适的制剂技术以拓宽虾青素的应用范围显得尤为重要。综述了虾青素的生理功能,对近年来国内外虾青素制剂技术的发展进行了归纳介绍。


      Abstract: More attentions have been paid to astaxanthin, due to its potential physiological functions, including antioxidant, immunity enhancing, antitumour, antiinflammation, as well as photoprotection. However, the applications of astaxanthin are considerably limited by its poor stability, poor water solubility and bioavailability. Therefore, it is important to develop appropriate preparation technologies to broaden the application of astaxanthin. The physiological functions and recent development of preparation technologies of astaxanthin were reviewed in this paper.


