
    Comparative Study on Vertical Ventilation Effect between Large Warehouses and Ultra-high and Large Warehouses

    • 摘要: 为研究机械通风技术在超高大平房仓的应用效果,分别在装粮高度8 m的超高大平房仓和装粮高度6 m的高大平房仓中进行垂直通风试验。储藏粮种均为小麦,仓房长度均为60 m,宽度均为30 m,通风系统风道为地上笼一机三道,双向布置,风机类型及数量相同。研究了垂直通风系统的通风均匀性,通风过程中粮堆温度、水分的分布等通风效果。结果表明:8 m仓各粮层静压值平均变异系数及粮面表观风速变异系数小于6 m仓,通风均匀性较6 m仓好;通风时间相同时,8 m仓水分损失小,保水性好;6 m仓降温幅度大,降温速率更快。


      Abstract: In order to study the application effectiveness of mechanical ventilation technology in ultra-high and large warehouses, vertical ventilation experiments were carried out in super-large flat warehouses with a height of 8 m and high-rise warehouses with a height of 6 m. The stored grain was wheat. The length of the warehouses was 60 m and their width was 30 m. The air duct of the ventilation system was one machine and three lanes on the ground. They were arranged in two directions and the same type and quantity of fans were used. The ventilation effectiveness such as ventilation uniformity of the vertical ventilation system, temperature of the grain in the ventilation process, and distribution of moisture were studied. The results showed that the average variation coefficient of static pressure value of each grain layer and the apparent coefficient of wind speed of the grain surface in 8 m warehouse were less than those in 6 m warehouse, and the uniformity of ventilation was better than that of 6 m warehouse. The moisture reduction in 8 m warehouse was smaller at the same time of ventilation, and its’water retention was better. The cooling range of 6 m warehouse was larger, and the cooling rate was faster.


