Reserch Progress of a New Lean Meat Powder Cyproheptadine and Its Detection Methods
Graphical Abstract
Cyproheptadine,as a new clenbuterol,has the effect of promoting appetite and increasing weight of animals.However,addition of cyproheptadine to animal feed will lead to drug residues in animals and seriously endanger the human health.In order to ensure the safety of animal food market,accurate and rapid detection methods of cyproheptadine residues are urgently needed for market monitoring.This paper mainly focused on the structure,physicochemical properties,pharmacological effects of cyproheptadine and its harm to human body.Moreover,the detection methods of cyproheptadine residues were also thoroughly discussed.It would improve people's understanding of cyproheptadine hazards,and provide references for the development of efficient and rapid methods for the determination of cyproheptadine residues.