Effect of Whole Wheat Flour with Different Grinding Sizes on the Quality of Flour and Noodles
Graphical Abstract
General purpose wheat flour was obtained by pulverizing wheat grain using Buhler experimental mill. Whole wheat flour with different particle sizes (80 mesh, 100 mesh, and 120 mesh) was obtained by hammer-type cyclone mill and ultrafine pulverizer. The effect of whole wheat flour with different grinding size on the quality of flour and noodles were studied. Compared with general purpose wheat flour, the content of protein, crude fat and damage starch in whole wheat flour increased, the content of wet gluten, total starch, and pasting properties decreased, and the enzyme activity significantly increased. As the particle size of whole wheat flour was reduced, the content of damage starch and amylose increased, and the content of crude protein, total starch and amylopectin decreased. The activity of alpha-amylase and lipoxygenase increased. The polyphenol oxidase activity firstly increased and then decreased. Compared with general purpose wheat flour dough, the whole wheat dough had a lower farinograph quality number, tensile properties, and brightness, the cooking loss rate of whole wheat noodles significantly increased, and the resilience decreased. However, the sensory score of whole wheat noodles was significantly lower than that of wheat flour noodles. Although the whole wheat noodles had higher taste scores, other sensory scores were significantly lower than that of wheat flour noodles.