Research Progress on Formation Mechanism and Subtraction Methods of 3-Chloropropanol Esters in Edible Oils
Graphical Abstract
Chloropropanol esters (MCPDE) have been identified as a new food contaminants with potential nephrotoxicant and carcinogens in recent years.They are mainly formed during the deodorization stage in the refining process of edible oils.Among them, 3-MCPDE content is the highest.Therefore, in recent years, many research groups have devoted themselves to the study of the formation mechanism and elimination methods of 3-MCPDE.The formation mechanism (nucleophilic substitution mechanism, epoxy or benzoyl oxonium ion mechanism, and free radical mechanism), influencing factors (glyceride type, chloride ion content, acidity, metal ion, water content, and deodorization temperature), and elimination methods (reducing the content of chlorine in oil and fat, enzymatic removal, adsorption removal, controlling deodorization temperature and time, adding carbonate, and adding antioxidants) of 3-MCPDE were reviewed in the paper.